Atlantic coast, Part 2c – Punta Rasa back to Mar del Plata, 20 October, 2015

This is the final part of a trip I made north from Mar del Plata to Punta Rasa when my Pelagic trip was cancelled due to bad weather). It covers a little of the area around Punta Rasa and then the coast down to Panama and Mar Chiquita. As I am so far behind with South American bird logs I am again limiting this to photos of some of the species I saw, limiting the captions to bird IDs. I saw one lifer: the Southern Screamer.

Firstly I drove west to General Lavalle:

gallineta comun (Plumbeous Rail) Pardirallus sanguinolentus

gallineta comun (Plumbeous Rail) Pardirallus sanguinolentus

garza mora (Cocoi or White-necked Heron) Ardea cocoi

garza mora (Cocoi or White-necked Heron) Ardea cocoi

[singing his heart out] chingolo (Rufous-collared Sparrow) Zonotrichia capensis

[singing his heart out] chingolo (Rufous-collared Sparrow) Zonotrichia capensis

 I then drove south to Piñamar, where I parked up beside the small aerodrome:

pecho amarillo común (Brown-and-yellow Marshbird) Pseudoleistes virescens

pecho amarillo común (Brown-and-yellow Marshbird) Pseudoleistes virescens

pato picazo (Rosy-billed Pochard aka Rosybill) Netta peposaca

pato picazo (Rosy-billed Pochard aka Rosybill) Netta peposaca

cuervillo de cañada (White-faced Ibis) Plegadis chihi

cuervillo de cañada (White-faced Ibis) Plegadis chihi

chaja (Crested aka Southern Screamer) Chauna torquata

chaja (Crested aka Southern Screamer) Chauna torquata

carpintero-real comun (Green-barred Woodpecker) Colaptes melanochloros

carpintero-real comun (Green-barred Woodpecker) Colaptes melanochloros

 Finally, I drove into the holiday village at Mar Chiquita, just to the north of Mar del Plata.

pitotoy chico (Lesser Yellowlegs) Tringa flavipes

pitotoy chico (Lesser Yellowlegs) Tringa flavipes

pititoy grande (greater yellowlegs) Tringa melanoleuca

pititoy grande (greater yellowlegs) Tringa melanoleuca

lechucita vizcachera (burrowing owl) Athene cunicularia

lechucita vizcachera (burrowing owl) Athene cunicularia

churrinche (Vermilion Flycatcher) Pyrocephalus rubinus

churrinche (Vermilion Flycatcher) Pyrocephalus rubinus

benteveo comun (Great Kiskadee) Pitangus sulphuratus

benteveo comun (Great Kiskadee) Pitangus sulphuratus

becasa de mar (Hudsonian godwit) Limosa haemastica

becasa de mar (Hudsonian godwit) Limosa haemastica

martin pescador grande (Ringed Kingfisher) Megaceryle torquata

martin pescador grande (Ringed Kingfisher) Megaceryle torquata


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