Visit to Reserva Cotesma – 12 Sept 2015

Today I went with Scarlett and new friend Ricardo to the Cotesma Reserve in San Martín de los Andes. The purpose was not so much to see birds as to do a population study.Sign for blog

We divided the area up into eight sectors and spent time on each sector, seeing which species were in evidence and attempting to record the number of species per sector. Bird mobility didn’t make our task any easier, but I think in the long run the data we recorded will be useful.

It was a great chance to be reunited with my birding friend Scarlett and with some of my local bird friends. A few photos follow, indicative of what we saw today.

150912 cauquen real Reserva Cotesma SMA

Ashy-headed geese, a pair. Very common in San Martín de los Andes.

150912 cauquen comun Reserva Cotesma SMA

Upland aka Magellan Geese, male with white head.

150912 bandurria Reserva Cotesma SMA

Black-faced Ibis, recently chosen as emblematic bird of San Martín de los Andes.

150912 gavilan cenicienta Reserva Cotesma SMA

As usual, there were a number of cinerous harriers flying low over the wetlands

150912 pato tbc 3 Reserva Cotesma SMA

A pair of Southern Wigeon in flight

150912 pato capuchino Reserva Cotesma SMA

Among the many ducks on the water was this pair of Silver Teal

150912 tero 2 Reserva Cotesma SMA

The ubiquitous Southern lapwing, in fine voice

150912 zorzal patagonico Reserva Cotesma SMA

Austral Thrushes were out in abundance

150912 sobrepuesto macho Reserva Cotesma SMA

An early arrived pair of Austral Negritos were in evidence – this is the male

150912 grass wren Reserva Cotesma SMA

Not too sure what this was – decided it must be a Grass Wren

Not a conventional day’s birding but an enjoyable day nevertheless, with good weather and pleasant company.

1 thought on “Visit to Reserva Cotesma – 12 Sept 2015

  1. Thanks a lot Martin. I will make a picture account of the Bird Population Study that the Coa is carrying out in La Vega and will post it in the Coa Cauquén Real page

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