Stopover in Buenos Aires – September 2015

I found myself with a day to spare in Buenos Aires, en route from Lima, Peru to San Martín de los Andes, in Northern Patagonia. I spent a few hours in the Reserva Ecólogica Costanera Sur (RECS) – had lunch and then went up to the Northern Suburbs to the Vicente Reserve. It was a gorgeous day – hot and clear, with a light shore breeze. This time I was on my own.

I found a few life-listers: at least the giant wood rail costanera, the stripe-cheeked sparrow (tbc) and the The greenish yellow finch (tbc) at the RECS and the limpkin and fawn-breasted tanager (tbc) at the Vte. Lopez Reserve. Some of these and some others are still to be confirmed (tbc). Pictures of these follow immediately, and then I have posted a selection of some older friends.

As usual, click on any photo to access the slide show facility.

150903 ipecaa costanera sur reserva Bs As

Giant Wood Rail

150903 Cachilo Corona Castaña? costanera sur reserva Bs As

Stripe-cheeked sparrow? (tbc)

150903 poss Jilguero Oliváceo costanera sur reserva Bs As

Greenish yellow finch (tbc)

150904 Carau-Limpkin (Aramus guarauna) Pqe Vte Lopez Bs As


150904 saira de antifaz (Fawn-breasted Tanager) Pqe Vte Lopez Bs As

Fawn-breasted Tanager (tbc)

Some of my older friends follow.

150903 gorrion (house sparrow) costanera sur reserva Bs As

House Sparrow

150904 Picaflor Bronceado (Gilded Sapphire) Pqe Vte Lopez Bs As

Gilded Sapphire

150904 bataraz chico Pqe Vte Lopez Bs As

Green-barred Woodpecker (re-identified)

150904 garza bruja 2 Pqe Vte Lopez Bs As

Black-crowned night-heron

150903 zorzal colorado costanera sur reserva Bs As

Rufous-bellied Thrush

150903 pato de collar m costanera sur reserva Bs As

Ringed Teal (male)

150903 maca comun costanera sur reserva Bs As

White-tufted Grebe

150903 hoco costanera sur reserva Bs As

Rufescent Tiger-Heron

150903 guaira cuckoo costanera sur reserva Bs As

Guaira cuckoo

150903 ear dove costanera sur reserva Bs As

Ear dove

150903 cotorras costanera sur reserva Bs As

Monk Parakeet

150903 chingolo costanera sur reserva Bs As

Rufous-collared sparrow

150903 benteveo costanera sur reserva Bs As

Great Kiskadee

150903 rufous hornero? costanera sur reserva Bs As

Rufous Hornero aka Red Ovenbird

150903 picolezna rojizo? costanera sur reserva Bs As

Streaked xenops (Xenops rutilans) – tbc

150903 estornino pinto? costanera sur reserva Bs As


All in all a gentle and pleasant day’s birding.

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